Piece: Shenandoah
Arranged by: Mary Goetze
Goals of Learning
- Proper vowel shapes in English
- Sounding in unison
- Singing without the aid of a piano to increase listening ability
- Phrasing
- Singing with Fermatas
- Close major second interval clashing
- This occurs at the end
- Gives opportunity for independence of ears
- Women navigating the passagio
- Chest and mixed voice
- Mixed and head voice
Lesson Plan_______________________________________________________________
- Proper Vowels
- Establish Tonality
- Model the song’s melody as you hand out the music
- Sign
- Sol – do
- First phrase on solfege
- Have everyone sing the melody
- Stop and model tall vowels with a right and wrong exercise
- Give a “right” sample
- Give a “wrong” sample
- Give a “right” one more time
- Start again
- Stop at the end of the first verse
- Phrasing
- Model phrase while conducting the shape
- Make sure to mimic the gesture to the voice
- Have them try the melody again
- Correct by stopping them and demonstrating what they should be doing
- Application of the Vowels and Shapes
- Split into 3 parts
- Sing through the second verse and listen for the direct application of the phrasing
- Major Seconds
- On the last page
- Break into two parts
- Start on measure 39
- Model part 3
- Model part 2
- Have them try
- Retry if needed (probably)
- Sing through the piece
- Split into four parts
- Bring all elements together
- Remind of tall vowels